Small and Minority Business Support
Business Incubators
TVA provides financial support to business incubators across the Tennessee Valley. Tenants share services, equipment, and space. The Business Incubator Tenant Loan Fund, a revolving fund capitalized at $500,000, is also available to help tenants meet short-term needs for cash flow and operating capital.
Business Development Weeks
Business Development Weeks are TVA-sponsored, community-led workshops that offer technical training and support to emerging companies in small towns and rural communities. The TVA Mobile Business Center provides Internet access, computer instruction, small-business counseling, and more.
Minority Business Development Program
TVA supports the growth and expansion of minority-owned and socially and economically disadvantaged businesses throughout the Valley with tailored packages of technical, capital, and managerial assistance. One key feature of the program is the Minority Business Development Loan Fund, a $9 million revolving fund that makes loans of up to $500,000.